
Commemoration 70th Anniversary of Victory Day

Chicago Association of Veterans of World War II hosted a statewide commemoration 70th Anniversary of Victory Day on May 8th, 2015 at Illinois Holocaust Museum. Dignitaries an local leaders including Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois; Mark Kirk, Senator of Illinois, Larysa Gerasko, Consul General of Ukraine, Marijus Gudynas, Consul General of Lithuania and Alex Goldman-Shayman, Deputy Consul General of Israel to the Midwest delivered the speeches during the program.

Ballpoint Pen Art by Andriy Poletaev

Chicago, Illinois 60612
Feb 02 - 25 $10.00

01/13 Boxing Night (Star guest: Roy Jones Jr.)

Northlake, Illinois 60164
Jan 13 paid entrance

Christmas Carols and Hits with Tina Karol

Chicago, Illinois 60630
Jan 12 paid entrance

MYTH in Chicago

Chicago, IL
Dec 23 free entrance