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21 Квітня 01:18

What the UN and EU say about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

Ukraine and International Relations Talks in New York

23 Листопада 20:55

Poroshenko sees “terrible analogies” between Holodomor and the Donbas war

“Today, with the experience of our national war for our independence in 2014 with an enemy that has invaded our land, we also look differently at the events of 1932-33, ” he said. “It also was a real and equally undeclared war against Ukraine,” he said.

17 Листопада 15:38

Ukraine is now the most dangerous place in the world — Poroshenko

“Ukraine is now the most dangerous place in the world, even more dangerous than the threat of the Islamic state and everything that is now happening in the Middle East."

3 Листопада 06:15

Росія виходить за межі мінських домовленостей – США

Україна, на думку держсекретаря США, може мати водночас «потужні» відносини і з Росією, і з Європою та стати «мостом між ними».